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  • TRACKING | airmax

    Goods tracking Request a quote online Contacts Air cargo tracking Tracking of maritime cargoes Don’t hesitate to contact us! Our customer service is at your disposal! Our central contact details +36 29 801 801 ​ Opening hours Monday - Friday 08.00-17.00 Go to the contact page Contact details of our departments Location / Google map Tracking of maritime cargoes Air cargo tracking Don’t hesitate to contact us!

  • CONTACT | airmax

    Contact Central office Contact details of our departments Time critical goods / Hotline Accessibility / Google map Follow our news! Subscribe to the newsletter Job vacancies Register in our database Our head office and contact details / Contact us! Our head office and contact details AIRMAX Cargo Budapest Zrt. Central office and warehouse 2220 Vecsés, Lőrinci u. 154., Airport City Logistics Park, Building D. Tel.: +36 29 801 801 Fax: +36 29 801 811 ​ Opening hours Monday - Friday 08.00-17.00 Location Contact us! Our staff will contact you shortly. First name Last name Email Phone Company name Message Submission Thank you for your letter! Contact details of our departments Contact details of our departments Air class Up Air Export Department Up Air Import Class Up Time critical goods class Up Live animal transport class Up Maritime and rail division Up Sea and rail FCL class Up Sea and rail LCL class Up Department of Roads Up Warehouse and logistics Up Customs Department Up HR department Up Finance Up Business department Up Accessibility / Google map Accessibility Central office and warehouse 2220 Vecsés, Lőrinci u. 154. Airport City Logistics Park, Building D. The easiest way to reach our office is from 1184 Budapest, Üllői út 807. Location GPS coordinates: Latitude: N 47.421834° Longitude: E 19.229648° Follow our news! Follow our news! Subscribe to the newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter By subscribing to the newsletter, I agree that AIRMAX Cargo Budapest Zrt. may use the personal data I have provided for the purpose of sending me information and promotional material about AIRMAX Cargo Budapest Zrt. services and other activities of AIRMAX Cargo Budapest Zrt. (e.g. event invitations) by e-mail in the context of AIRMAX Cargo Budapest Zrt. marketing campaigns. Up Top of page Contact details of our departments Accessibility / Google map Follow our news! Subscribe to the newsletter Our head office and contact details / Contact us!


    Special solutions Request a quote online Contacts Job vacancies Our special solutions 28 Airmax Cargo is constantly expanding its areas of activity with specialized solutions based on the dynamic development of the transport industry and new market needs, in order to provide the best service to our clients. If you can't find the right complementary service for you, please contact us and we will find the best solution for you! Base types WARNING! Our special solutions may not be available for all basic service types! For more information, see our services / related services. If you have any further questions, our staff will be happy to help. Time Critical goods CoolMax heat-sensitive goods Pharmaceutical logistics Livestock transport Dangerous goods Project Cargo Consignments of valuables Personal property Special CAM Charter service On-board courier Time Critical Transport of time critical goods When every minute counts Airmax Cargo is a leading provider of time critical freight forwarding services in Hungary. We have become a preferred service provider for several industry-leading multinational and domestic partners, successfully meeting urgent logistics challenges with significant business risk. Our experience over the years has enabled us to improve our processes and infrastructure, build and develop our global relationships and build a dedicated team of professionals who are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with dedicated attention to our clients. Up Handling temperature-sensitive goods Packaging and transport solutions Our Coolmax range of products and services offers reliable, customised or standardised, active or passive packaging solutions and other temperature-controlled supply chain options. We have many years of professional experience and experience in temperature-controlled transport and packaging of room temperature (+15 – +25°C), chilled (+8 – +15°C), refrigerated (+2 – +8°C), frozen (-20/-30°C) pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical raw materials and perishable food products. Up CoolMax heat-sensitive goods Specialized pharmaceutical logistics services Warehousing, commissioning, transport Airmax Cargo's pharmaceutical logistics center has a high level of infrastructure security for the storage, picking and transportation of temperature-sensitive human and animal medicines, pharmaceutical raw materials, pharmaceuticals and other medical devices. We have a GDP and IATA CEIV Pharma certified pharmaceutical warehouse with high shelving, room temperature storage (+15°C – +25°C) and refrigerated storage (+2°C – +8°C). Up Pharmaceutical logistics Livestock transport We look after your pet the way you would Every year, thousands of animals of different species are sent to various destinations around the world. As Hungary's most experienced animal air freight forwarder, we have gained considerable expertise not only in the transport of animals, but also in their care over more than 25 years. Airmax's warehouse base has dedicated live animal space that is secure, clean, disinfected, air-conditioned, ventilated and soundproofed. Our experts are well versed in the animal transport regulations, documents, permits and transport equipment requirements that vary from country to country. Airmax is a member of the International Pet Transport Association (IPATA). Up Livestock transport form Livestock transport Dangerous goods Transport of dangerous goods In maximum safety without endangering the environment The category includes explosives, gases, flammable, liquid and solid substances, radioactive, toxic, corrosive and polluting substances. We take particular care to ensure that the rules on dangerous goods are respected. Our operators have the knowledge and qualifications to meet the standards for transporting these. Thanks to our trusted network of subcontractors, we offer our customers special packaging solutions that fully preserve the integrity of the goods transported. Our expertise enables us to transport dangerous goods samples, or even commercial quantities of hazardous substances, from anywhere in the world, by air, land or sea, door-to-door, with the utmost safety and without endangering the environment. Project Cargo Project Cargo Transport of overweight, oversized goods Our company provides full assistance with oversized and overweight transportation for the oil and gas industry, power plants and other projects. We include in our project cargo service all shipments that exceed the standard sizes and weights, everything that requires non-traditional packaging, loading, transport and customs clearance. With years of project cargo experience, we handle the transport of machinery, construction materials, production equipment and large components from anywhere in the world. For the convenience of our partners, our projects are supervised from conception to completion by a dedicated member of staff. Services: Emergency procedures Route map Open/covered storage and warehousing Packing, craning, equipment rental, documentation Involvement of independent experts Insurance coverage Cargo insurance Security escort We pay particular attention to the following: Identification and coordination of critical points Risk analysis Solution optimization Coordination of subcontractors Route optimization Consignments of valuables Transport of consignments of valuables Your shipments are in good hands during transport Our company handles shipments of exceptional value, USD 1000/kg or more, with the utmost care and discretion. We offer the most modern and secure packaging, storage and transport solutions for museums, galleries, financial institutions, security companies and individual clients. If necessary, we can also provide an armed escort for the transport of high-value goods. Value shipments are a priority for our company and for airlines. The quality of the services provided by our logistics partners is also of paramount importance in the handling of consignments. When transporting high-value goods, we only work with contracted, continuously audited partners, guaranteeing the highest level of security available. The most common types of consignments we handle are: Cash Artwork, art treasure Precious metal Gemstones, real pearls Jewellery, jewellery collection High value watch High value fur or other clothing Securities, bills of exchange Your shipment will be stored in highly secure and continuously monitored facilities and transported under security escort from the airline's handling agent's warehouse to the aircraft, and from the moment of landing to the aircraft's ground destination. There are no weight restrictions for consignments of valuables, but the restrictions for consignments are the same as for aircraft, depending on the type. On request, we will take out insurance to cover the full value of the shipment. Due to the special nature of the shipment, our colleagues will keep you informed about the status of your shipment. Door-to-door delivery of personal effects In Europe and overseas Safe, reliable transport with customs clearance. We plan the entire transport process and prepare a quotation taking into account the individual customer's requirements. Personal property Specialized customs services Special customs documents and procedures Airmax Cargo's customs experts can handle special customs clearance tasks quickly and cost-effectively. •Excise clearance – export and import clearance for all modes of transport •VAT registration service – full service for foreign taxpayers •Indirect customs clearance - full service for goods arriving from outside the European Union •Customs procedure with code 42 – Clearance of intra-EU sales •TIR Carnet card – for transport to Russia Up Customs assistance Special CAM Charter service For goods requiring fast and urgent delivery Complex logistics solutions, handling challenges and meeting tight deadlines are not an obstacle, if necessary, we will deliver your goods to the desired destination by a special aircraft. We provide charter flights on short, medium and long haul routes from tried and trusted partners. Up Charter service On-board courier service Within 24 hours On-board courier Our on-board courier service delivers urgent and important shipments anywhere in the world within 24 hours. Our Time Critical team is available 365/7/24 to find solutions to your specific delivery needs. Up On-board courier Don’t hesitate to contact us! Our customer service is at your disposal! Our central contact details +36 29 801 801 ​ Opening hours Monday - Friday 08.00-17.00 Go to the contact page Contact details of our departments Location / Google map Top of page Time Critical CoolMax heat-sensitive goods Pharmaceutical logistics Livestock transport Dangerous goods Project Cargo Consignments of valuables Personal property Special CAM Charter service On-board courier Base types Don’t hesitate to contact us!


    Facebook Facebook terms of use Köszönjük, hogy érdeklődsz az Airmax Cargo Budapest Zrt. Facebook oldala iránt! Azzal a céllal hoztuk létre a Facebook oldalunkat, hogy hasznos szakmai híreket, információkat, érdekességeket, osszunk meg az Airmax Cargo szolgáltatásaival, szállítmányozásaival kapcsolatban. Felhívjuk figyelmedet, hogy az oldal kedvelésével, követésével elfogadod az Airmax Cargo Facebook oldalára vonatkozó felhasználási feltételeket. Facebook és egyéb közösségi média oldalunk nem tartozik az Airmax Cargo hivatalos kommunikációs csatornái közé, az ilyen jellegű megkereséseket (árajánlatkérések, hivatalos információk, megrendelések, folyamatban lévő szállítás, panasz, reklamáció stb.) csak és kizárólag az Airmax Cargo hivatalos e-mail címén vagy a +36 29 801 801 telefonszámon tudunk fogadni. A Facebook és egyéb közösségi média oldalainkra érkező üzenetekre megpróbálunk a lehető legrövidebb időn belül reagálni, de előfordulhat, hogy egy válaszra, több időt szükséges várni. A beérkező üzenetekre, megkeresésekre az alábbi munkarendnek megfelelően válaszolnak a Facebook oldalunkat kezelő adminisztrátoraink: Hétfő – Péntek 09:00 – 18:00 között - Kérjük, hogy minden esetben tartsd tiszteletben közösségi-, kisebbségi-, személyiségi-, szerzői jogokat! Kérjük, hogy hozzászólásaidban kerüld a trágár kifejezéseket, a provokációt, mások szidalmazását, rágalmazását, uszítását, bizonytalan forrásokból származó információk megosztását! Ne sértsd meg mások jó hírnevét! Az ilyen jellegű kommentek azonnali törlésre kerülnek, adott esetben akár a hozzászóló kizárásával, súlyosabb esetben jogi következményekkel járhatnak. Az Airmax Cargo Facebook oldalát kedvelőktől, követőktől érkező hozzászólások, posztok nem cégünk nézőpontjait tükrözik így azok tartalmáért, az információk hitelességéért felelősséget vállalni nem tudunk! Kérjük, hogy a Facebook használata előtt tanulmányozd a Facebook adatkezelési tájékoztatóját, amelyből megismerheted, milyen adatokat kezel a felelős adatkezelő a Facebook Ireland Ltd. a Facebook, az Instagram, a Messenger és a Facebook által kínált egyéb termékek és funkciók támogatása céljából. Felhívjuk a figyelmet arra, hogy az Airmax Cargo Budapest Zrt. személyes adatokat nem tölt fel az oldalára, azonban akként, hogy az Érintett a Társaság Facebook oldalát kedveli, illetve az oldalon közzétett bejegyzéseit kedveli, illetve azokhoz hozzászól, valamint a céges felületen keresztül a Társasággal kapcsolatot vesz fel az érintettel kapcsolatos személyes adat (pl. név, stb.) bárki számára elérhető (azaz nyilvánossá tett) adat lesz. Az Airmax Cargo Budapest Zrt. részletes adatkezelési tájékoztatója elérhető a címen. Köszönjük, hogy tagja vagy az Airmax Cargo Facebook követőinek!


    @ Online request for proposal Contacts Job vacancies Please fill in our online shipping form! If you need assistance, our staff are ready to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us! Our customer service is at your disposal! Our central contact details +36 29 801 801 ​ Opening hours Monday - Friday 08.00-17.00 Go to the contact page Contact details of our departments Location / Google map


    Top of page Certifications and organizations Request a quote online Contacts Job vacancies Quality and reliability We pay particular attention to the quality of our service, which is underpinned by international and national recognition and rigorous standards. 28 ISO 9001 Up IATA CIEV PHARMA Up IATA Up AEO Up AAA Up IPATA Up GDP Up FIATA Up KKV TOP 100 Up PHARMAFREIGHT Up ISO 9001 PHARMAGREIGHT ISO 9001 Year of acquisition: 2013 HU Download PDF > ENG Download PDF > Since the company was founded, our aim has been to differentiate ourselves from our competitors through the quality of our service. Since 2013, we have therefore continuously maintained and improved our ISO 9001 certified quality management system. IATA CIEV PHARMA Year of acquisition: 2022 ENG Download PDF > There are strict requirements for the professional and safe transport of medicines. That's why we have built and in 2022 we were certified to the IATA CEIV Pharma Quality Management System, a strict set of requirements that governs the air transport of medicines and their pre and onward transport by road, as well as our warehousing processes. IATA International Air Transport Association International Air Transport Association ENG Download PDF > IATA is a globally recognised professional association of air freight forwarders that has been in existence for more than 50 years. IATA membership gives participants access to the standards, regulations and services developed and maintained by IATA to effectively support air transport. Airmax Cargo is one of the IATA top 10 members in Hungary. AEO AUTHORIZED ECONOMIC OPERATOR (Authorised Farmers) 2010 HU Download PDF > The AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) programme aims to strike a balance between increasing security expectations and customs facilitation for reliable traders. The AEO authorization is a special status that allows the customs authorities to consider the authorised economic operator as a trusted partner and therefore to benefit from a number of advantages from the customs authorities in the management of customs affairs, the transport of customs goods and other handling. AAA Highest creditworthiness Year of acquisition: 2016 HU Download PDF > ENG Download PDF > Dun & Bradstreet's objective and independent business rating, the highest level of AAA certification from the international business information provider and rating agency Dun , indicates that our company is a trustworthy, financially stable and creditworthy company. IPATA International Pet and Animal Transportation Association International Association for the Transport of Small Animals and Livestock IPATA - International Pet and Animal Transport Association was established to provide professional, competent and caring animal transport services worldwide. Its members are obliged to transport live animals in the most animal-friendly way possible, with the least possible stress. Airmax Cargo takes care of your pet the way you would. GDP Good Distribution Practice Member: 2022-2025 ENG Download PDF > As a member of the Pharmafregiht network, our GDP-compliant operations and quality management system are regularly reviewed by independent auditors to ensure full compliance with GDP requirements. FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations _____ FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations) is an international organization, founded in 1926, which brings together representatives of the logistics and freight forwarding industry worldwide. FIATA's focus is on freight forwarding, logistics and transport related issues and its aim is to develop the profession, promote best practice and protect the interests of its members. KKV TOP 100 Year of acquisition: 2020 The certificate awarded to the members of the SME TOP 100 guarantees the company's efficiency and payment reliability. Assurance that you are one of the best in the industry. PHARMAFREIGHT International pharmaceutical network An international network of pharmaceutical suppliers, where members are audited by independent auditors and membership can only be maintained by complying with GDP requirements. IATA IATA CIEV PHARMA AEO AAA IPATA GDP FIATA KKV TOP 100 Top of page IATA CIEV PHARMA ISO 9001 IATA AEO AAA IPATA GDP FIATA KKV TOP 100 PHARMAGREIGHT Selector

  • TIME CRITICAL | airmax

    Time Critical Transport of time-critical goods Request a quote online Contacts Job vacancies When every minute counts Airmax Cargo is a leading provider of time critical freight forwarding services in Hungary. We have become a preferred service provider for several industry-leading multinational and domestic partners, successfully meeting urgent logistics challenges with significant business risk. In the IATA TOP 10 in Hungary 28 Our experience over the years has enabled us to improve our processes and infrastructure, build and develop our global relationships and build a dedicated team of professionals who are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with dedicated attention to our clients. Thanks to our extensive network of international partners, specialized in providing time-critical services, we can handle urgent transport assignments in any direction and route with flexibility, professionalism and speed. Time Critical service Our Time Critical team provides the following services Urgent deliveries of first samples, pre-series, spare parts for production machines and serial products delayed due to labour shortages to the electronics, machinery and automotive industries Charter, On Board Courier services Delivery of critical aircraft parts (AOG, critical and routine) Export-import customs clearance 24 hours a day at Budapest and many other airports Quick proposal preparation Real-time tracking, e-mail/SMS notifications about the delivery process Nonstop available phone number and e-mail address Insurance of goods on request Charter service On-board courier service On-board courier service Up Quote and solution proposal within 30 minutes Also for documents and commercial goods Personal collection and delivery Up to 24 hours to anywhere in the world If the size and type of the package allows, you can even use it as hand luggage on board Continuous tracking of our courier and the shipment Experienced couriers with local knowledge and the necessary visas Charter service Up Chartered flights on short, medium and long haul routes Part and full charter organization worldwide Determining the type of machine depending on the size, weight and length of the route Obtaining a permit to fly Organizing pre- and post-runs Continuous status reporting Provision of a dedicated administrator AOG aircraft on groud 365/7/24 service Optimised route planning to guarantee safe and efficient transport of parts For aircraft, helicopter and engine manufacturers, maintenance companies and airlines Full export and import customs clearance AOG - aircraft on groud Top of page Time Critical service Charter service On-board courier service AOG - aircraft on groud


    Warehousing and Logistics Request a quote online Contacts Job vacancies Value-added logistics services Airmax Cargo provides its customers with warehousing and logistics services and related infrastructure that can be integrated into their operations, according to the needs of the company, and fit into their procurement, supply and sales processes. 28 We offer a complete outsourcing logistics solution for all your warehousing needs. This complex service with a well-functioning logistics background, optimised processes and warehouse logistics experts helps our customers' businesses in a cost-effective way. We believe that our activities and continuous improvement can make a significant contribution to our partners' business success, which is why we place great emphasis on improving our warehouse base and warehouse services. 2400 m² open-floor warehouse 1900 m² high storage warehouse with rack storage ​ GDP and IATA CEIV Pharma certified indoor and refrigerated pharmaceutical warehouse Our warehouse logistics services Logistics services tailored to individual needs By choosing us as your logistics service provider partner, you can focus on your core business and dramatically reduce your costs and, to the greater satisfaction of your customers, develop your core profile with significant additional capacity in the longer term. Our warehouse logistics services Airmax Cargo provides the following complete warehouse logistics services to its customers 2400 m² open-floor warehouse GDP and IATA CEIV Pharma certified room temperature (+15 - +25 °C) and refrigerated (+2 - +8 °C) warehouse Long-term storage Cross-docking system Full administration Customs clearance, temporary storage warehouse Repackaging up to tertiary, secondary packaging Courier service Secure accommodation of live animals awaiting transport Mechanical handling of materials FIFO/FEFO service Serving scheduled orders Up-to-date transaction tracking Unique marking and labelling Regional warehouse and distribution center services Logistics services tailored to individual needs Our comprehensive goods management solutions Our complete range of goods management solutions Our unique solutions Individual palletizing, foiling, strapping and boxing on request Special packaging Handling goods requiring refrigeration Dry ice on demand Handling dangerous goods Packaging and handling of fragile goods We put great emphasis on meeting the needs of our customers and preserving the condition of the goods to be transported. In all cases, we take great care to ensure the correct and safe handling and packaging of the goods. Specialist pharmaceutical logistics Specialist pharmaceutical logistics Storage solutions for pharmaceutical and chemical companies Airmax Cargo's pharmaceutical logistics center has a high level of infrastructure security for the storage, picking and transportation of temperature-sensitive human and animal medicines, pharmaceutical raw materials, pharmaceuticals and other medical devices. Our warehouse colleagues are well versed in and apply the strict regulations governing pharmaceutical logistics. Our staff are constantly trained and educated to keep up to date with the latest pharmaceutical logistics regulations. With more than 25 years of experience in pharmaceutical logistics, we are at the service of our domestic and foreign partners from the very beginning of the authorization process. Our consultancy services help our clients to create the conditions for obtaining a licence, including the selection of the right quality assurance pharmacists. GDP and IATA CEIV Pharma certified room temperature and refrigerated warehouse Our 550 m² GDP and IATA CEIV Pharma certified pharmaceutical warehouse has the capacity to store room-temperature goods between +15 – +25 °C and refrigerated goods between +2 – +8 °C. Our sales processes and procedures (SOPs) are fully compliant with GDP (Good Distribution Practice) and the most current relevant legislation in force. Pharmaceutical logistics services Long-term storage Cross-docking, administration, customs clearance Order picking, case packing, pallet building Repackaging up to tertiary, secondary packaging Highly qualified colleagues with knowledge of pharmaceutical logistics rules Distribution with our own certified refrigerated vans if required Provision of specialised air, sea and road transport services Consultancy services for the obtaining of a wholesale marketing authorization for medicinal products, the submission of applications, the compilation of standard operating procedures Our services are also available if the products are only reshipped in Hungary to the final destination in a third country (re-export) Willingness and ability to invest in order to offer our customers a tailor-made package of pharmaceutical logistics services to meet all their needs. Technical facilities of the pharmaceutical logistics center High shelf, room temperature (+15 °C – +25 °C) storage Cold storage (+2 °C – +8 °C) Redundant air conditioning (HVAC) GAMP 5 and PIC/S PI 006-3 Online monitoring system Full compliance with National Public Health Center’s and GDP requirements Procedures developed for the event of an emergency Validated warehouse management software that meets the requirements of the National Public Health Center, and covers the entire commercial process from ordering, quality release, warehousing, sales and document management to the back-end management Thermal packaging solutions Certified, heat-retaining packaging solutions for transport CoolMax Controlled temperature-sensitive solutions Up At Airmax Cargo's logistics center, we offer the latest and most efficient packaging solutions, complemented by innovative transport and customs services, for the transport of refrigerated goods. We use temperature measuring instruments to provide reliable, professional service to our customers. 01 02 03 01 1/3 Passive packaging Up TEMAX film 3.5 cm thick, 14-layer heat-retaining foil ​ ​ Softbox high performance, temperature-retaining packaging ​ ​ va-Q-pal thermoboxes in different sizes with individual insulation solutions ​ ​ Jumbo box cardboard box with styrofoam insulation 01 02 01 1/2 Active packaging Up Active cool boxes ​ ​ Rented containers Envirotainer, Opticooler és CSafe ​ Refrigerated trucks CARRIER cooling-heating HVAC equipment The benefits of Airmax logistics center outsourcing services Cost-effectiveness Knowledge and reliability Modern IT and logistics background Delivery capacity and responsiveness High quality of service Our warehouse base and office are close to airports and motorways Special solutions Special logistics and warehousing solutions Go to the special solutions page Up Placement of livestock Uniquely in Hungary, only Airmax Cargo's warehouse base has a dedicated live animal area that is safe, clean, disinfected, air-conditioned, ventilated and soundproofed. We are a member of the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association (IPATA). Handling fresh and frozen food Our trained professionals are well versed in the properties of perishable goods and how to handle them. We can provide a seamless cold chain with our temperature-controlled storage capacity, our special thermal packaging solutions and, for road transport, our own refrigerated trucks. Related services Warehousing and logistics related services Special solutions Go to the special solutions page Up CoolMax heat-sensitive goods Pharmaceutical logistics Livestock transport Dangerous goods Consignments of valuables Personal property Special CAM Serving industries Go to the serving industries page Up Automotive industry Pharmaceutical industry Aerospace industry Electronics industry Machinery industry Chemical industry Trade ​ Food industry Top of page Our warehouse logistics services Our comprehensive goods management solutions Thermal packaging solutions Special solutions Related services Specialist pharmaceutical logistics

  • CAREERS | airmax

    Careers Job vacancies Register in our database Contacts „We're more together” Airmax Cargo Budapest Zrt. is a Hungarian-owned logistics service provider offering innovative supply chain solutions to a wide range of industries. Since 1996, we have been working every day to meet the transport and logistics needs of our customers. We can only achieve harmony with our customers if our staff are in harmony with each other. We look out for each other, we help each other. We place particular emphasis on helping our colleagues to develop their individual skills. We believe that through knowledge and experience we can achieve our common goals - as a cohesive, committed team. IATA TOP 10-ben Magyarországon 28 We're more together Join the Airmax Cargo team! Join the Airmax Cargo team! Visit our job portal and apply for the advertised positions! You can also register in our database. If a position opens up that matches your qualifications and work experience, we'll contact you. We offer challenging jobs for trainees, career starters, professionals with years of experience and colleagues with disabilities. Air, road, sea and rail freight forwarding, warehouse logistics, business, sales, finance, HR - our colleagues in all functions contribute to providing complex and innovative logistics services to a wide range of industries. JOB VACANCES What is it like to work for us? Our selection process Register in our database Our staff said Wondering what it's like to work at Airmax Cargo as part of a super team? See what our staff think! Our staff said Orsolya Szabó Deputy Head of Maritime and Rail Division "For me, Airmax means reliability, safety, support and appreciation. Our company has created a well-equipped environment, spacious, friendly offices and modern facilities, so we can focus all our attention on meeting our partners' needs in the best possible way. It's a great feeling to work in a large team with a family atmosphere and a good atmosphere. I am proud of the Airmax team." What is it like to work for us? Job vacancies Register in our database What is it like to work for us? Stability ​ Airmax Cargo Budapest Zrt. Is a dynamically developing, Hungarian-owned company with many years of experience in logistics. Thanks to Airmax colleagues who are committed to quality, the company is surrounded by an inspiring atmosphere that is great to be part of every day. Dynamic development Thanks to the experience, speed, flexibility and careful attention of our colleagues, our turnover and clientele have been growing steadily for years. Professionalism ​ We have a team of excellent professionals. We are a market leader in the transport of goods requiring special handling, expertise and precision by air, sea and road. Expert guidance Our experienced, coordinated team is led by key people with ownership in our company. Responsible work Whatever your field, we rely on your expertise, creativity and independence. In return, we offer an attractive benefits package. Continuous improvement With us, you can go from a beginner to an experienced professional, from a professional to an expert. We place particular emphasis on continuously improving the knowledge of our colleagues. Wellbeing ​ We take care of our employees' health (health insurance, fruit day, We listened! programme for mental health). We believe that a good work-life balance is the key to a harmonious life. Good team ​ You'll spend your days in a supportive, close-knit team with a good atmosphere, where work is a pleasure. Inspiring working environment Modern offices with modern, ergonomic equipment. You can also see the planes taking off from the window. Long-term cooperation As an employer, we take a long-term view of each and every employee Home office After the training period, we offer our staff flexible home office options. Internship programme We offer a one-year traineeship programme for the logistics professionals of the future (graduates, young professionals). You can learn all about the profession, with experts to mentor your professional development. Our selection process Our selection process It is important for us to match open positions with the best candidates as quickly as possible. Our selection process consists of several steps and takes about 3-6 weeks. We will explain what happens from application to entry. Job vacancies Register in our database 01 Apply at ​ Candidate sends his/her application on Airmax job portal looking for 02 Pre-screening ​ •We review and evaluate applications •Telephone contact if the application is accepted •Please specify, we will discuss 03 Online interview Round 1-2 •Meeting with HR •Meeting with the professional manager 04 Meeting in person Getting to know the area, colleagues and working conditions in the Airmax office 05 Offer ​ •We will provide feedback on the result after the decision •An offer will be sent to the selected applicant •We agree on entry 06 Entry ​ •Contracting, check-in at HR •Professional onboarding, induction and familiarization in the field Top of page Join the Airmax Cargo team! Our staff said What is it like to work for us? Our selection process


    Customs services Customs assistance Downloadable documents Contacts Customer-centric customs service at Aimax Cargo In 2005, we set up our own customs department to meet our customers' needs and adapt to changes in the industry. With decades of experience, our highly qualified customs experts have up-to-date knowledge of current tax and customs legislation and keep track of any changes in the law. Our customs authorizations guarantee that we apply the most favorable customs procedures for our clients at our premises close to Liszt Ferenc International Airport and at the main terminals and customs clearance locations in Budapest. Excise administration VAT registration Indirect customs clearance Customs procedure with code 42 AEO licence Verification number (VPID/EORI) ATA Carnet TIR Carnet 28 In the IATA TOP 10 in Hungary Special customs documents and procedures Our customs brokerage services for inbound goods cover the full range of import-related customs clearance procedures, and help to ensure that goods reach the consignee quickly and smoothly. Airmax Cargo Budapest Zrt. has a full Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) licence. This is a special status under which the customs authorities consider the authorised economic operator as a trusted partner, and, therefore, receive a number of benefits from the customs authorities in the management of customs affairs, transport and other handling of customs goods. 0-24 hour customs service for both export and import goods Our customs brokers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to clear air imports and export shipments by all modes of transport. To ensure faster and more flexible import customs clearance (release for free circulation), Airmax Cargo offers the possibility to process customs duties, non-Community taxes and fees through a closed, automated, NAV EBÜK (electronic banking messaging) system. Import and export customs services Customs services related to import shipments: Customs clearance of groupage traffic (imports, transit) Full customs clearance of air, sea and road traffic Free placing on the market by direct representation Free circulation by indirect representation (under a separate agreement) Customs procedure no. 42, tax-free imports of goods (positive cash flow) Storaging in own temporary storage warehouse Private transport, customs clearance (luggage, repatriation) Requesting a customs clearance number (VPID/EORI) from customs Customs document for transit of goods by road - starting up a T document with own TC31 guarantee Dispatch and receipt of goods in road transport without the active involvement of the customs office, authorised consignor and consignor's authorization (0-24) Starting up and management of TIR Carnet Receipt and management of ATA Carnet Immediate payment of customs duties using the EBÜK system (immediate payment of customs duties) - extra AIRMAX service Customs services related to export consignments: Customs clearance of groupage traffic – all modalities Full customs clearance of air, sea and road transport Requesting a customs clearance number (VPID/EORI) from customs Issue and authentication of proof of origin (A.TR, EUR1) Road transport related customs document - starting up and management of TIR Carnet ATA Carnet international customs document initiation and pre-registration (assistance from the Chamber of Commerce) Automatic sending of the exit confirmation of exported goods on request (in case of own customs clearance) Customs assistance Customs assistance § Downloadable documents Related services Related services Special solutions Go to the special solutions page Up Time Critical goods CoolMax heat-sensitive goods Pharmaceutical logistics Livestock transport Dangerous goods Project Cargo Consignments of valuables Personal property Special CAM Charter service On-board courier Serving industries Go to the serving industries page Up Automotive industry Pharmaceutical industry Aerospace industry Electronics industry Machinery industry Chemical industry Trade ​ Food industry Top of page Import and export customs services Customs assistance Related services 0-24 hour customs service

  • INDUSTRIES | airmax

    Industries Request a quote online Contacts Job vacancies Serving industries Airmax Cargo complements its areas of activity with a constantly expanding industry service, based on the dynamic development of the transport industry and new market needs, in order to provide maximum service to our customers. If you still can't find the right solution for you, please contact us and we will find a way for you! 28 Selector Our main industries WARNING! Industry solutions are not available for all basic service types! You can find more information at the bottom of our services pages, under the related services section. If you have any further questions, our staff will be happy to help. Automotive industry Pharmaceutical industry Aerospace industry Electronics industry Machinery industry Chemical industry Trade ​ Food industry JIT JUST IN TIME Automotive industry The automotive industry requires a complex supply chain. The industry demands extreme speed, flexibility and punctuality from logistics companies that deliver parts, semi-finished and finished products. Airmax Cargo is prepared to fine-tune the transportation of parts from different countries, able to support the lean philosophy of economy in the implementation of minimum stock "just-in-time" (JIT) on both the manufacturer and supplier side. By optimising workflows, our company can integrate flexibly into the supply chain of our clients. Automotive industry Pharmaceutical industry Pharmaceutical industry Airmax is a key partner of major domestic and international pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors. Our staff have a high level of knowledge of goods and cargo handling, and work in accordance with "good transportation practice" (GTP) and are GTP certified. Airmax, as a member of the Hungarian Biotechnology Association, has the knowledge and experience to ensure that biotechnology research materials requiring extreme precision and responsible handling reach their destination at the required temperature and with sufficient speed. AIRMAX Cargo is certified by the IATA CEIV (Center of Excellenece for Independent Validators) Pharma, which covers the entire handling of pharmaceutical products and raw materials in the air cargo supply chain. Aerospace industry Aerospace industry Airmax is a partner to aircraft, helicopter and engine manufacturers, maintenance companies and airlines. Our company is prepared for the express forwarding of normal time-definite shipments (routine), urgent goods (critical) or the immediate resolution of special Aircraft On Ground (AOG) cases. Our AOG contacts are on standby 24 hours a day, even at night or on weekends, to respond to urgent calls in the event of aircraft breakdowns - and we can also handle imports from abroad thanks to our extensive network of partners. Electronics industry Electronics industry High-tech industries can only operate in a fast, accurate, secure transport and distribution system. Airmax Cargo is aware of what high inventory costs mean for its customers due to the high value of their goods, and of the risks that valuable goods are exposed to without adequate protection. That's why our company provides fast and secure transport solutions to connect the customer's manufacturing, assembly and distribution facilities in different countries. Our company provides tailor-made solutions to ensure that the flow of goods from the manufacturer to the end user is seamless. Machinery industry Machinery industry Airmax Cargo knows and has years of experience in dealing with the special transport needs of the machinery industry. Our solutions across all modalities provide efficient and reliable support for the complex supply chain requirements of the industry. A wide range of needs in terms of size must be met in the sectors belonging to the mechanical engineering and manufacturing sectors. Our expert team is familiar with and knowledgeable about the transport methods required to handle the size of the sector, from pallets to extra-large consignments. We provide a full range of support for oversized and overweight transportation tasks in the oil and gas industry, power plants and other projects. For the convenience of our partners, our projects are supervised from conception to completion by a dedicated member of staff. 1-9 VESZÉLYESÁRÚ-OSZTÁLY ADR SPECIÁLIS SZABÁLYOZÁS Chemical industry Due to the complexity of the chemical market, there are many requirements and regulations that need to be met in the transport tasks. With Airmax Cargo's expert team, we help chemical companies around the world address these challenges. Our operators have knowledge and examinations in accordance with the standards for the transport of dangerous goods. Thanks to our trusted network of subcontractors, we provide our customers with special packaging solutions that fully preserve the integrity of the goods transported. Chemical industry Trade Airmax Cargo also provides a full range of freight forwarding services to companies in the trade industry. Our professionalism enables us to transport commercial quantities of goods from anywhere in the world by air, land, rail or sea, door-to-door, with the utmost safety and without endangering the environment. Trade Food industry Food industry Our trained professionals are well versed in the properties of non-refrigerated food and temperature-sensitive goods and how to handle them during the transport process. Temperature-sensitive or perishable goods include meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruit. We operate a seamless cold chain with our temperature-controlled storage capacity, our special heat-retaining packaging solutions and, for road transport, our own refrigerated trucks. In all cases, Airmax Cargo's team of experts' recommendations are perfectly in line with the law, HACCP and our customers' requirements. Don’t hesitate to contact us! Our customer service is at your disposal! Our central contact details +36 29 801 801 ​ Opening hours Monday - Friday 08.00-17.00 Go to the contact page Contact details of our departments Location / Google map Automotive industry Selector Pharmaceutical industry Aerospace industry Electronics industry Machinery industry Chemical industry Trade Food industry Our main industries are selective

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